Mystery in Easter day!!!
God loved the world, and sent his son Jesus Christ. He died to save the world from there sin against God. He died on a friday. We have been thankful for his sacrifice.
God loved the world, and sent his son Jesus Christ. He died to save the world from there sin against God. He died on a friday. We have been thankful for his sacrifice.
However, the Bible does not say that Jesus died on Friday, only that Jesus rose early on the first day of the week (Mark 16:9).
Since Jesus specifically declared that he would be in the heart of the earth for three days and nights, there is only one day that Jesus could have died to make three days and nights & rose early on the first day is Friday and Monday.
if Good Friday comes on Friday then the Easter should comes on Monday..
I guess the First day of the week is Monday. If you see the God's creation in Genesis...
The seventh day concludes with a day of rest. This is in the following sequence:
Day 1 [Monday]: creation of light, and the separation of light from darknessDay 2 [Tuesday]: creation of sky, and the separation of the waters above the sky and the waters below
Day 3 [Wednesday]: creation of earth, and the separation of earth from the waters below; creation of vegetation and the separation of different kinds of plants (each after its kind)Day 4 [Thursday]: creation of the sun, moon, and stars to separate day and night, and to order seasonsDay 5 [Friday]: creation of non-land animals and the separation of different kinds of animals; the command to be fruitful and multiplyDay 6 [Saturday]: creation of land animals and the separation of different kinds of animals; creation of human beings, command to be fruitful and multiply, given dominion over the earthDay 7 [Sunday]: God rests and blesses the seventh day